
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Wonder of Watercolor


Have you been loving the watercolor trend too?  One of the challenges over at the Moxie Fab World Blog is to create something using this medium.  I've been having fun playing with my Inktense pencils, so I thought I'd create a watercolor card with them: 

What better image than a fish, right??  ...Alright, I just wanted to use this stamp ;)  It's an image of a longnose butterfly fish for all you non- ichthyologists (one who studies fish).  And although I may have taken a lot just a bit of artistic license with it's color, I do like how it turned out.  I started by embossing it in black and then colored the image with the pencils.  To finish it off, I added a few water dots from the French Foliage stamp set (SU) in a light gray ink.  I don't think all cards need sentiments, especially if the images can be used for various occasions, so I chose to leave the card without one.  Plus, this way, it reminds me more of the Japanese fish print images (gyotaku), which are super cool!  I'll probably end up using it for an upcoming birthday though. 

That's all for me today.  Thanks for visiting. 



  1. I'm definitely going to have to try these pencils I keep hearing about! Love your fish, feels very tropical.

  2. Hey Lizzy! Thanks for linking this up to the Wonder of Watercolor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


Many thanks for each and every thoughtful comment! Your feedback is genuinely appreciated--I only hope you enjoy my cards as much as I enjoy your comments!